Experienced Trial Attorneys Fighting for the Injured
Asbestos Exposure

Asbestos Exposure Attorneys in Savannah

Fighting for the Rights of Georgia Workers Wrongfully Exposed to Asbestos

For many years asbestos was used in hundreds of household, industrial, and military products. Evidence began to emerge in the early 1960s suggesting that this substance was related to the development of a rare type of cancer called “mesothelioma,” which develops in the lining of cells in the chest and abdominal cavities.

Medical research eventually revealed that about 80% of all patients who developed mesothelioma had a history of exposure to asbestos-containing products on their jobs or had lived with someone who was exposed to it at work. The association between the two is now so well-established that the two are presumed to exist on a one-to-one basis.

To recover the compensation you deserve for your asbestos-related illness or the loss of a loved one who was wrongfully exposed to asbestos, contact Tate Law Group, LLC immediately for a free consultation!

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a natural material that consists of soft, flexible fibers that are resistant to heat, electricity, and corrosion. Its robust nature can be shaped into a number of forms and makes it ideal for a large variety of products ranging from the automobile brakes to insulation in homes and on military and commercial ships, and even in fire-resistant blankets that were used by fire departments across the country.

Use of asbestos in America has not been fully banned; however, companies that still manufacture or work with asbestos are under strict regulations to ensure their employees are not exposed.

Different Types of Asbestos

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency divides asbestos into two main categories which can be further broken down into six different types.

Amphibole Asbestos:

  • Crocidolite
  • Amosite
  • Anthophyllite
  • Tremolite
  • Actinolite

Serpentine Asbestos:

  • Chrysotile

Even though the U.S. Government only legally recognizes these six types of asbestos, there are other forms of asbestos minerals that may be just as dangerous. Further legislation attempting to more strongly regulate asbestos in America has not been successful.

Why Asbestos is Dangerous

Asbestos is a highly toxic substance. The microscopic fibers have a tendency to get into human lungs and other organs and stay there for years or even decades. Lung cells are especially sensitive to the presence of this synthetic material and tend to grow abnormally, eventually becoming cancerous.

The term for the cancer that results from asbestos exposure is mesothelioma. Mesothelioma does not happen to everyone who has been exposed to asbestos, but those who have received this diagnosis often need a considerable amount of medical assistance for the rest of their lives.

Mesothelioma is not the only disease caused by asbestos exposure. Other asbestos-related illnesses include:

  • Asbestosis
  • Pleural effusions
  • Pleural plaques
  • Pleuritis
  • Diffuse pleural thickening
  • COPD

Asbestos has been removed entirely from thousands of sites around the world, but many companies have still been regarded as liable for their continued use of the substance after it was known to be a health hazard.

Can I File a Lawsuit If I Was Exposed to Asbestos?

Although many of the companies that were involved in the mining of asbestos, or used it in their products, have either gone out of business or have discontinued its use, the remaining companies and their insurance carriers have established multibillion-dollar trust funds to pay for the medical expenses of asbestos exposure victims and to compensate their families for the victims’ untimely deaths.

To file a lawsuit, the plaintiff must have a confirmed diagnosis of mesothelioma and a confirmed history of exposure to asbestos-containing products. In the event the victim has died, a surviving spouse or child may file a wrongful death lawsuit. In some cases, a spouse or child of an exposed worker who later develops cancer may also file a lawsuit.

Filing a mesothelioma lawsuit can be quite complicated for a variety of reasons, many of which are due to problems in either proving that exposure occurred or the expiration of the statute of limitations. Although these issues may present barriers that are difficult to overcome, these issues can be often be resolved by experienced legal counsel. Those considering a lawsuit for an existing asbestos-mesothelioma case or on behalf of a deceased victim should contact an attorney with experience in such lawsuits to review the legal options that may be available.

Holding businesses accountable for asbestos exposure is not easy, but our experienced legal team at Tate Law Group has a history of achieving remarkable results in the face of adversity. Call (912) 234-3030 now to discuss your case!

Why Hire Tate Law Group?

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  • Advocates for Change

    We leverage our litigation experience to advocate for positive change in our community & across the nation, including taking a proactive role in the opioid crisis.

  • Committed to Excellence

    The Tate Law Group is an award-winning, nationally-recognized firm with memberships in the Milion Dollar Advocates Forum & more.

  • Fearless Advocacy

    The Tate Law Group is not afraid to do whatever it takes to advocate for the full & fair compensation you deserve, including going to trial.

  • Record-Setting Results

    The Tate Law Group has fought for many successful verdicts & settlements, including many record-setting results in Georgia & South Carolina.

  • Trial Experience

    We have litigated hundreds of cases and recovered damages totalling over $100 millionĀ for our clients in numerous courts of law since 2007.

  • Available & Accessible

    We are available to hear about your case over the phone or in-person, so schedule a free consultation today. There is no fee unless we win.

Successful Verdicts & Settlements

Millions of Dollars Recovered for the Injured
  • Tractor Trailer Injury $19,000,000
  • Nationwide Pharmaceutical Liability Resolution $18,000,000
  • Georgia Industrial Disaster Recovery $13,100,000
  • Chatham County Jury Verdict $10,000,000
  • Nationwide Pharmaceutical Liability Resolution $5,000,000
  • Nationwide Pharmaceutical Liability Resolution $5,000,000
  • Medical Malpractice Verdict $3,900,000
  • Personal Injury Involving Traumatic Brain Injuries $2,300,000
  • Maine Wrongful Death Recovery $2,200,000
  • Florida Wrongful Death Recovery $2,100,000

Client Testimonials

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  • “Thank you for your work on my case, your guidance, and helping to keep me calm and comfortable at mediation.”

    - Jill
  • “Mr. Tate and his firm are very well organized and friendly. The first time I visited the office of Tate Law Group I felt very welcomed and important.”

    - Carla
  • “He kept my husband and I very well informed and did exactly what he said he would do.”

    - Former Client